

Following his resignation from the Stutz Motor Car Company, Harry C Stutz almost immediately announced the formation of new company bearing his initials. The H.C.S. Motor Car Company was a million dollar incorporation with STuTZ as President, Samuel t Murdock as Vic President and H G Campbell as treasurer. And Gordon Murdock as Secretary. First news of Stutz new venture arrived in the fall of 1919, and by May of 1920 the first 10 H C S cars were shipped to distributors.  Stutz served as president and managing director.[2] He also was the majority stockholder and chairman of the board of directors.

Not surprisingly the new HCS was akin to the Stutz, an expensive and sporting car not unlike the Stutz. A prototype was displayed at the end of 1919. The press noted the hand embossed leather upholstery was on very low seats, the cushions sat directly on the floor.[4] Others reported the center of gravity was very low and the top of the windshield was less than the height of the average man. Demonstrators did not go to dealers until May 1920 because the new factory building was not progressing as it should and production was restricted by difficult conditions in the busy factory of the Stutz Fire Engine Company

The first production cars were roadsters and touring cars. A coupe was added in late 1920 and a 4-door sedan was added to the catalogue in July 1921. The body height of the sedan was "low with a European look" but "ample head room" remained

The economic climate of the early 1920s was unstable, with very damaging short sharp booms and busts. Production was cut back from the planned ten cars per day to only five and prices were cut by $200 on all models as of August 1. 1921. Rolls-Royce had announced a $1250 cut in their chassis price two weeks earlier. Further price cuts were announced with effect from March 4, 1922. It was noted they were an approximate reduction of $500 to $600 from the prices at August 1

A new series 4 model was announced in August 1922 with enlarged cylinder bores giving more horsepower with improved gas consumption. Pistons had been lightened and an automatic spark advance and a new exhaust muffler fitted. There was a larger steering wheel and changes had been made to the springs. A taller radiator and a new design of wire wheels were fitted.

The struggle continued. Stutz left his Stutz Fire Apparatus Company and took control at H. C. S. In mid-1924, H. C. S. announced its engineers had designed a new taxicab that was lighter than competitors' cars and easier to maintain. A feature of all the H. C. S. cars was the easy accessibility of major components. Design allowed each engine accessory to be serviced without removing or dismantling any other accessories.[11] The press was shown the taxi prototype and photographs were published in December 1924.

Stutz retreated to Orlando, Florida, in 1925, leaving his car and fire engine businesses to flounder. The next year H. C. S. Motor Car Company was placed in a trust for creditors under the management of Harry's one-time assistant (1920-1925), Charles Merz, an engineer and former race driver.

The company was liquidated in 1927

The H.C.S. building still stands just up Capital Ave from the Stutz Building.  It is almost an exact duplicate of one bay of the Stutz Building.